Vull la lluna (I Want the Moon)

Solely through illustrations the concept of shapes is explained to children.
The princess wants the Moon, because it is round. She does not realize that around her there are square, round, rectangular and all kind of shapes objects. I Want the Moon is focused on teaching the different shapes: square, circle, triangle… through comparing them with real objects from our day to day life.
In the No Words series, each book has an early age concept: shapes, colours, contraries, and telling astory to introduce and explain the concept as well as introduce storytelling to the small ones. asset to the series is that each book is independent and also illustrated by different artists, each one of them, renown in the field.
Col·lecció Sense Mots (No Words Series)
- 1. I Want the Moon
- 2. Colours
- 3. Where is Big?
- Carrot PIe
- In the Park