L’illa de Paidonèsia (The Island of Paidonesia)

Oriol Canosa, writer / Gabriel Salvadó, illustrator

A hilarious story which paints an ironic picture of adult life.


Nicolàs, a nine-year-old boy, goes sailing with his parents only to find he is bored! They never have any fun and his parents are always arguing. So one day, Nicolás decides to set sail in one of the lifeboats to a tiny island. There, he writes about his adventures. More and more children
come to the island, the adults can do nothing about it, and things get worse and worse – or perhaps better and better!

A funny story that shows how children act out the adult world and mimic society. A story composed entirely of letters which make you laugh and think at the same time.

Book info
Written by
Oriol Canosa
Illustrated by
Gabriel Salvadó
13.2 x 21 cm
Year of Publication
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Rights Sold
Germany (Klett Verlag)
About the author

Oriol Canosa

Oriol Canosa (Tarragona, 1975) is a writer of children’s books, and bookseller   in a bookshop specialising in children’s and YA literature and gastronomy. He has published La casa del profesor Kürbis (Baula/Edelvives, 2013) and Apa! Et penses que ens ho creurem? (Cruïlla, 2015), as well as the children’s novels L’illa de les cartes perdudes (Babulinka, 2014) and El secret del Nadal (La Galera). Additionally, he won the Folch i Torres Award in 2016 with L’illa de Paidonèsia (La Galera). Apart from publishing short stories and novels for children, he has also contributed to children’s magazines. When he gets tired of books he goes out walking and has already crossed Europe on foot several times.

Featured author at the Internationales Literaturfestival Berlin, 2021


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Gabriel Salvadó

Gabriel Salvadó is an illustrator but also a screenwriter. He has illustrated books, written tv show scripts and done radio.

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