Perímetre (Perimeter)

Jair Domínguez,

There is one bullet for each of the mortal sins. The seventh is for the Devil.


Perimeter: A short, starkly concise and intriguingly simple novel, takes us into the desert inside us.

David Lynch + Kill Bill + Cormac McCarthy

Jair Domínguez’s Perimeter puts him into the league of some of the most interesting voices in literature now.
A story of vengeance, this existential thriller is packed with symbolism and poetic images that will take the reader into a postapocalyptic world full of baffling violence.

The Engineer, driven by his need to hunt down and kill La Toussaint, his family’s murderer, will travel across the desert and overcome any obstacles in his path to reach his target. The Engineer carries his memories, discipline, and a gun loaded with
seven bullets. There is one bullet for each of the mortal sins. The seventh is for the Devil.

‘I guess this is not a good time to die.’ ‘No. It’s about to rain.’

You’re just a man, nothing more – like I am. Both of us will die, and neither of us will be remembered or admired. I’m the good guy, you’re the bad guy. The same old story.

Book info
Written by
Jair Domínguez
12.5 x 20 cm
Year of Publication
Paperback with flaps
About the author

Jair Domínguez

Jair Domínguez (Barcelona, 1980) writes stories and scripts for radio and television about life, death and other
more importantthings. Perimeter ishis third novel.

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Perimetre de Jair Dominguez-booktrailer
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