Rubèn Montañà Ros

Rubèn Montañà was born in Badalona in 1983. Actor, writer and playwright, he graduated from Acting at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona. He has published a number of children’s and young adult books, including La nena de l’arbre (La Galera, Josep Maria Folch i Torres Award in 2013), La botiga de mascotes extraordinàries (Barcanova, 13th Barcanova Children’s Literature award), Atac llimac (Llibres del Segle, 44th Young Adult Literature Award by the City of Olot), Una setmana endimoniada (Barcanova) and El bolígraf de Higgs (Animallibres). Together with Toni Sans, he has co-written the following novels: En Benjamí i el semàfor que mai no es posava verd (Barcanova, Guillem Cifre de Colonya Award in 2016), En Benjamí i la bústia que escopia les cartes (Barcanova) and La Maranyota (Animallibres), as well as the following plays: El crim de Lord Arthur Savile, Happy love o love story?, La casa sota la sorra and Ruddigore o la nissaga maleïda. He co-founded the theatre company EGOS teatre, where he has worked as an actor as well as a member of the creative team for several shows. He was one of the scriptwriters and hosts in the cultural TV show Carràrius (BAUSAN Films and TVE), broadcasted on TVE2 Catalunya.