Miguel Calero

Miguel Calero (Madrid, 1971). Ever since he learned how to hold a pencil, he’s been filling in with his drawings the gaps he found in his notebooks, textbooks or any paper he could get his hands on. Although life took him in other directions, he soon decided to quit his office job to try and make a living out of his drawings.
In 1996 he started working as a graphic designer, and in 1997 he began teaching illustration and design techniques, balancing this job with various projects as a freelance illustrator.
Since 2007 he exclusively works as an illustrator, especially for textbooks, tablet apps and children’s and young adult books. However, he’s always been an avid reader, so it was only a matter of time before he took the plunge and started writing his own stories.
These are some of the books he has recently illustrated: El colgante mágico, Los dientes del Puma, Bajo las aguas and Frank, ¡este niño no es corriente!, ¡Antes muerto que vampire! is the first book he has published as an author.