Toni Mata


Toni Mata (Sabadell, 1982) és escriptor, guionista, creador de formats de televisió i monologuista.Ha estat guionista de BFN, El Hormiguero, Còmics i Juego de Niños, entre molts altres. Ha escrit i participat en diversos programes de Catalunya Ràdio i COM Ràdio. És autor o coautor d’una desena de llibres, entre els que destaquen Alienació mental transitòria (Premi Caterina Albert de Narrativa Breu), Momentos poco estelares de la Humanidad, Guía Vaughan de Historia. Segunda Guerra Mundial, La Constitució segons

Nascuts per ser Breus és la seva primera incursió fora de la comèdia i ha estat mereixedora del Premi Joaquim Ruyra 2019.

Books from this author

Nascuts per ser breus (Born to be Brief)

A dystopia set in a cruel but familiar society. A choral story in which characters will have to confront moral dilemmas that will put them to the test. In heaven, an accountant points out that the world’s population is about to reach its limit, ten billion people. Everybody works quickly because they know the least productive suburb will be plowed through, and all its residents annihilated. The only way to escape the plow for good is to go from being a Breu to an Etern and enter the Eternal City, where life can be extended indefinitely through the injection of a cure. Hunter thinks he has found a way to resist the plow and infiltrate the city, destroying a system that condemns them to live either as slaves or as fertilizer. But, is he up to the task? Compelling, dizzying, heartrending. Get ready for a dystopian world full of betrayal and lies, headed by a fierce protagonist willing to do anything to survive. You won’t be able to put it down . Cristina Ropero Born to be Brief introduces us to a pitiless world that, despite everything, you won’t want toleave. An addictive story about a society in which we would rather not see ourselves reflected. Laia Soler
Young Adult
La Galera Young
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